
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Copy Cat Kind Bar Recipe! Tastes Just Like #KindBar

Copy Cat Kind Bar Recipe! Tastes Just Like A Peanut Butter / Dark Chocolate Kind Bar! 

Yum Source: The Yummy Life

A copycat recipe that tastes authentically delicious and saves money. Gluten free with vegan version.

  • 1/2 cup whole roasted * unsalted almonds
  • 2-1/2 cups whole roasted* unsalted peanuts, coarsely chop 1-1/4 cups (leave the rest whole)
  • 1/2 cup roasted* walnuts, chopped
  • 1/2 cup puffed millet, rice (or other puffed whole grain; or crispy brown rice cereal)
  • 2 tablespoons PB2 powdered peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup honey**
  • 1/3 cup brown rice syrup (may substitute light corn syrup)
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup dark chocolate chips**
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable, grapeseed, or coconut oil

Grease/spray large bowl, 9x13 baking sheet/pan, wooden spoon or rubber spatula, and bottom of drinking glass. Set aside.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spread nuts  on large baking sheet and bake for 10 min. until lightly toasted and fragrant. 
Add toasted nuts and puffed millet to large bowl. Sprinkle with the PB2. Stir to combine; set aside.

In 1-1/2 or 2 quart saucepan, combine honey, rice syrup, salt, and vanilla over medium-high heat. Cook, stirring frequently, until mixture reaches 260 degrees (hard ball stage) on a candy thermometer. Immediately, pour mixture over nut mixture, stir until evenly coated. Quickly transfer to greased/sprayed 9x13 pan, use hands to spread mixture evenly in pan; press the mixture to close in holes and distribute evenly all over the pan. Using bottom of greased/sprayed drinking glass to tap and compact mixture in pan. Let cool 20 minutes (pan should still be slightly warm). Invert pan on cutting board and tap until mixture falls out in one piece. Cut into 20 bars. (If they cool too much and become too hard or brittle to cut easily, put in warm oven for 1-2 minutes to soften; proceed with cutting.) Allow bars to cool completely before proceeding with chocolate drizzles.

FOR CHOCOLATE DRIZZLES: Add chocolate chips and oil to microwave safe bowl. Cook on high power in 20 second intervals, stirring each time, just until last chips melt into mixture (approx. 60 seconds total). Use fork or squeeze bottle to drizzle chocolate over nut bars. Let cool until chocolate hardens.

STORAGE TIP: Store in airtight container with parchment paper between layers. For take-along convenience, use parchment paper pieces to wrap individual bars burrito-style. Store at room temperature for up to 1 week. May refrigerate to extend storage or if firmer, less sticky bars are preferred. May be frozen, too.

NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION for 1 bar: 217 calories, 14.5g fat, 44mg sodium, 19.5g carbs, 2.3g fiber, 14.4g sugars, 6.9g protein; Weight Watchers PointsPlus: 6

**FOR VEGAN VERSION, omit honey and use all brown rice syrup and vegan chocolate chips.

10 Tips for Building Self Confidence #LoveYourself

We all suffer from a little self-doubt from time to time... Me included! I found a great little article at Guided Mind tonight that gave great tips on how to practice self love and build self-confidence! 

1. I am beautiful.

Yes you are. This is number one on the list for many reasons but first and foremost, because it's true. You are beautiful just the way you are. Imperfections, flaws, quirks, idiosyncrasies and all. I may not look like a magazine cover model and really, I could care less. I am beautiful just the way I am. There is no one else that looks like me and that in itself makes me perfectly beautiful.

2. I can do anything.

When you want to learn or do something bad enough, there are no limitations. The only thing stopping you, is you.
We are so afraid of tackling something new, and possibly failing, that we end up not trying at all. Have a look at Nick Vujicic, the man born with no arms or legs. Take a moment to read his story. When you're done reading, try to talk yourself out of something again because you think you can't.

3. I will never be too old to learn to new things.

Who said learning is for kids? The more we learn the more we grow.
You should never stop learning and always believe that you can learn anything you want. When you decide to stop learning is when you will become old. Don't let a number get in the way of learning something new.

4. I can make a difference in someone's life.

You may not think you have a spectacular story or life or maybe you think that you are no one special and nobody cares what you have to offer.
Think again. We are all unique and each one of us comes with a little lesson for others. You'd be surprised at how one simple little thing you know could make a huge difference to someone else. Share your knowledge. You are important.

5. I am not superhuman.

Sometimes we like to think we are indestructible and nothing can hurt us. We are not comic book heroes that never feel pain and our only job is to save the world. We feel, we cry, we hurt, and sometimes we are weak and that's ok. It's healthy to feel all those things. Don't try to be something you're not.

6. Not everyone is going to like me and I'm fine with that.

We desperately try to please everyone. We want to be loved by all. Unless you are the next Mother Teresa, and she may have had some enemies too, that is not going to happen and that's ok.
The people that matter are the ones that will like and love you. You can't make yourself crazy trying to get everyone to like you. Appreciate the ones that do.

7. If I make a mistake it's ok.

That's how I learn. We really shouldn't call them mistakes, but we do. They are experiences, or life lessons, as I like to call them. You are not perfect. You may not succeed in everything you do. That's ok. The most successful people in the world failed many times before they got to where they are today. Don't fret over things that go wrong. Learn from them and move on.

8. I can leave the past in the past and move on.

We don't all have a glorious past and quite often there was someone or something that did us wrong. Take the lesson, forgive the person or thing that harmed you and move forward. You are a better person for it and your past makes you the beautiful being you are today.

9. I am responsible for my life and what happens to me.

This one is hard to swallow. We like to blame the other person. As adults, however, we get to choose where we want to be, who we want to be with, what we want to do, etc.You must believe that where you are right now is because of your choices. You have the power to change your life.

10. It's not too late for me to become a better person.

Don't ever think you can't change something about yourself that you don't like. Maybe you are too negative all the time or too judgmental. Maybe you aren't as spiritual as you would like to be.
Or perhaps you don't show enough love or gratitude for the things in your life. It's not too late to become a better version of you. Believe that you definitely can become a better person as long as you have the desire in you to do so.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Who Wants FREE Stuff?!?! Join my #Cize Test Group!


What is CIZE?

Get into great shape at home with Shaun T's latest dance fitness program.

You'll have so much fun learning to dance during this 4-week program that you won't even realize you are getting a great cardio workout.

CIZE truly is "The end of exercise."

Stick with Shaun T and you'll be dancing your way to a more toned physique with his intense cardio, fat burning, calorie-scorching workouts.


First 5 people to order challenge packs will be in the running for a FREE 3 Day Refresh ($65 value ) and the other 4 will receive FREE custom workout shirts!!! EVERYONE is a winner!!!

Make sure you email me at: to let me know that you ordered! I will then be able to put you in my EXCLUSIVE TEST GROUP! 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

#Exercise and #Insomnia - The struggle is real.

I've personally struggled with ‪#‎Insomnia‬ for the last 8+ years. Recently, I found some great tips on how to get more ‪#‎sleep‬!!! I think I'm guilty of disobeying all of these tips at one point or another in my life! 

6 Tips for Getting More Sleep

1. Make sleep a priority
Simply deciding that getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night is going to be one of your health priorities can go a long way. Resist putting work or household chores – or even a good book – ahead of sleep.

2. Develop a sleep routine
Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on the weekends. Studies suggest that going to sleep at 10 pm and waking up at 6 am works the best with our body’s natural rhythms.

Developing a ritual that you follow each night before going to sleep (e.g. journaling, reading, paced breathing, and drinking chamomile tea) can also help prepare your body for rest.

3. Make the bed a “sleep only” space
Sometimes it is easy to convert your bed into an all-purpose area – especially if you live in a small apartment. Eating in bed, watching TV in bed, or even working in bed can make it more difficult for you to sleep at night.

4. Avoid eating and exercise within three hours of going to sleep
This can be hard for night owls, but it is important to remember that eating and exercise both get your body energized, not ready for a good night’s sleep. Although regular exercise can make it easier for you to sleep eventually, you should make sure to leave your body plenty of time to wind down afterwards.

5. Turn off the lights (and devices)
Make sure that the area where you sleep is dark and quiet (although if you live in a noisy neighborhood, a white noise machine can be helpful). The hormone melatonin is produced in total darkness, and the longer you stay in the dark, the more melatonin the pineal gland produces. Melatonin regulates our sleep and wake cycles, destroys free radicals, suppresses the development of breast cancer, increases the immune system’s killer lymphocytes and more. Some people use black-out shades or eye masks to block out light when they sleep and/or turn off or move anything out of the room that emits even dim light in their bedroom (e.g. LED lights in TVs, clocks or night lights). If you need a night light, a dim red light is the best choice. 

Additionally, the blue wavelength light emitted from TVs, computer screens and cell phones suppresses melatonin production more than other wavelengths, so it is wise to avoid exposure to them 2-3 hours before bedtime. That means no more falling asleep in front of the TV! However, exposing your eyes to lots of bright natural light during the day can help you sleep better at night.

6. Listen to your body – and get rid of the alarm clock!
After starting to get into a sleep routine, see if your body can awaken on time naturally, without the help of an alarm clock. (Maybe try this out on the weekend first, though!) Listening to your body is the best measure of whether you’re getting sufficient rest.

*Credit: Guided Mind.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

My review of #Cize - Day 3

#Cize - Day 3

Crazy 8s

Well, last night my mother and I did Cize together again. Let me tell you what... It was still fun the 3rd day in a row! I love to dance and my mom even enjoyed herself during the 3rd day as well.

Day 3 of Cize is Crazy 8s once again. I have included a little short video of my mom and I doing the routine in case anyone wanted to take a little peek.

Please remember - we are not professional dancers! LOL I have a ton of room for improvement, but I'll tell ya what... I have a BLAST during this workout. It's one of the only workouts that I can drip in sweat and still have a smile on my face!

Thank you Shaun T for creating my soulmate workout program!!!

Click on the video below to watch! (LOL - Please excuse my sweaty armpits - this workout really gets a sweat on!)

Don't forget! I have a TEST GROUP for #Cize starting on August 3rd! If you'd like to get into the group, please email me at: or visit my site at:

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

My review of DAY ONE of Cize! 

Crazy 8s. 

Well, let me start off with saying that I was dripping in sweat when I finished Crazy 8s...but I also had a huge smile on my face! 

This workout routine is 30 minutes in length. You do not need any additional equipment; just your body! I personally recommend having a glass of water available, though! I really chugged a bunch of water when Shaun T gave the water break! Also - I recommend you wear shoes (tennis shoes / sneakers / etc) in order to give you better balance and stability. 

Shaun T really does a great job with breaking the routine down into sections in order for you to learn the moves and have fun with it! He does each dance move as an "8 count" (Hence the name! Crazy 8s). I really appreciated that he was able to break it down into smaller sections in order to learn the routine and feel confident about it. 

After teaching the routine in smaller "bite size" portions, Shaun T tells us it is time to "Cize it up" where we are able to do the routine to music you'd hear on the radio today.  You go through the routine a few times to the music and really just have a blast! 

Personally, I have to give two thumbs up for Cize and I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow's workout! It's really a fun and exciting way to get into shape! 

Do you want more information about how to get involved in my TEST GROUP for Cize starting on August 3, 2015? Email me at: for more information! 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Today was the day #Cize was released!

I am so pumped to get started with the Cize workout program. It is only four short weeks of dancing, sweating, and funness (is that a word? No... I don't think it is...but oh well!)

Anyone that knows me knows that I love to dance! I am usually the first on the dance floor and the last off of it when I go out. But I realize that not everyone likes to dance!

Do you hate squats? 
Do you hate burpees?
Do you hate push ups?
Do you hate crunches? 

Chances are that you will LOVE Cize! It is high energy and tons a great music! 

If you want to participate in my TEST GROUP for Cize starting on August 3, 2015 please get a hold of me! I would love to chat! 

I am a Diamond level Beachbody Coach and have tons of experience with running successful challenge groups! I can provide you with daily motivation, 20+ clean eating recipes per week, and daily accountability for workouts! Plus - I will be trying something NEW where you can WIN an entire month of Shakeology for FREE!!! 

If you want more information, please email me by going to