
Sunday, December 28, 2014

My review so far of Insanity Max: 30... 

I am an Emerald level independent Beachbody coach, and I have been doing Insanity Max: 30 for approximately one week now. I have personally never made it over 9:00 minutes before maxing out! I have found the workouts to be challenging, but rewarding. So far, my favorite is probably Pulse. It is only 20 minutes, but the moves really work up a sweat! I love that Shaun T makes you do a cool down at the end of the program, and I love that the workouts allow you to follow a modifier track (you can see the modifier moves throughout the ENTIRE workout). I don't mean to brag, but the woman (Danielle) doing the modifier moves is in my upline for Beachbody. 

Anyone else have any thoughts about Insanity Max:30 so far? Any favorite workout sessions or want to share your "maxed out" time?

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