
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Never look down on someone trying to work on betterment.

I would like to preface this with a disclaimer: This was extremely difficult and humbling for me to write. 

You know why I love being a Beachbody coach? Because I wasn't at the top of my fitness when I first started coaching. I was FAR from it. I was nearly 40 pounds overweight and miserable with myself. As a single-mother to a 13 year-old son... I work full-time, and I am going to graduate school for my PhD in Clinical Psychology. (I currently have my MS in Psychology.) Between being a mom, working and going to school, I didn't think I had time to take care of myself. I didn't think it was possible for me to take time for myself to do personal development and self-improvement. I was stuck in a rut and very unhappy overall with myself.

In actuality, I used to use my weight as a reason why men didn't want to date me (or if I did get a date, I used it as a reason why they wouldn't 'stay around,' why I didn't want to do things outside of the house or even be in pictures with friends / family.

Once I started working out and using Shakeology daily, the weight began coming off. Not rapidly of course - but I could see improvements in my body day by day. My clothing fit better and eventually the scale began reflecting my progress, too. The first program I started was Piyo. I fell in love with the program and wanted to do more! With Piyo, I lost about 5 pounds and toned up! This had me hooked - I decided to sign up as a coach.

My second program, The 21 Day Fix, I did 2 rounds (currently in round 3). So far, I have lost a total of 22 pounds through my Beachbody workout programs. I'm almost 1/2 way through my weight loss goal of 40 pounds and could not be more proud of myself.

When I first started coaching, I did not want to "be a coach" right away. I merely wanted the discount I could get on programs and Shakeology each month. As I began seeing my own results, I started thinking, "Holy sh*t, I could actually change lives if I would help others to lose weight like I have done." This was my ah-ha moment when I realized that I found Beachbody not only to save myself, but so that I could also save others.

Once I realized I wanted to be a coach, I threw my hat in the ring and started a challenge group for The 21 Day Fix. My first group - I had 4 ladies. My second group - 5 ladies. Although my groups were small, it really motivated me to stay on track and hold myself accountable for not just me, but for the challengers in my group.

Now, I am moving on to Insanity Max: 30. So far, there are only 3 of us officially starting the challenge group on Monday (01/05/2015); but, that's ok. As more people get interested, they will be able to join in and get great support and invaluable resources and motivation that I can provide.

I am very confident that I will be coaching for a long time; I have so many Beachbody goals, it is incredible. I have already purchased my Summit 2015 ticket and hotel room for this summer in Nashville, TN. This upcoming weekend, I will be attending Super Saturday with a few members of my upline and downline (my team... NO - my Beachbody Family). I am so happy to have found my Beachbody family. I was really struggling with self-confidence and fighting depressive symptoms. Beachbody has given me a new lease on life. For that - I will FOREVER be thankful.

Ready to sign up for your FREE Beachbody account:

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