
Saturday, January 3, 2015

So - What Exactly Does a Beachbody Coach Do? What Should I Expect From You as a Coach?

What Does a Beachbody Coach Do? 
What Should I Expect From You as a Coach?

Beachbody Coaches share with others Beachbody programs and Beachbody products they are using themselves that they truly believe in and know get results. They also  provide support, accountability, and motivation to their customers and help them get the best results possible from Beachbody programs and products.

What if I don't purchase a Beachbody program or products from you? What do I get from the FREE Beachbody Account? 

You get access to a FREE Beachbody site that gives recipes, exercise tips, and allows you to shop our Beachbody products and programs! :-) Very valuable for a free service! 

So - If I don't purchase a Beachbody program or product from you, then I can't be in your accountability group for Beachbody programs?

Great question! I've had a lot of people try to get into my accountability groups for specific Beachbody programs; for example, I've been running an accountability group for the 21 Day Fix.  I love this program; however, unless you are following the ACTUAL program with the containers and doing the exercise DVDs provided with the program I will be unable to fully help you with your journey. I am familiar with the ONLY APPROVED VERSION of The 21 Day Fix. I'm not sure how much food you are ingesting if you decide to go out on your own and Google "how much food can I have on the 21 Day Fix" or "how big are the containers for the 21 Day Fix." Unless you are using the Beachbody containers, I can't give you the support you deserve. 

***Plus*** It's not fair to the people in my accountability groups that have invested money in the programs and have decided to fully follow the program. They have taken the steps to show that they are invested in themselves and ready to make a change. I know I personally would be upset if I paid money to be apart of a group and someone else got to do the program for free. 

What do you mean Invest in yourself

I remember when I first decided to try a Beachbody program. I invested $180 dollars to do a Challenge Pack. It was a stretch for me to purchase this, but I wanted to be committed to myself and my weight loss. If i would have quit the program, I would have felt like I disappointed not only myself, but my son because it would have felt like I wasted money. I didn't  have money to waste. I was committed and invested because I put the money into it and I felt responsible to finish the program. Once I became a coach, I really felt the need to finish programs I started because I had invested in not only myself, but I had also decided that I needed to be a good example for my customers. 

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